Within the scope of a project developed by the Ministry of Court of Accounts to manage business processes, the business processes of many units such as Human Resources Information System, Education Management System, Movable Management System, Card Access Systems and Social Facility Management are implemented in an integrated manner with external institutions.
This project is an information system project developed in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University and the General Directorate of Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Within the scope of this project launched in 2014, the activities of the General Directorate of Forestry were digitized. In the project, 41 software was developed, documents were digitized and geographical data was added to the system. The project includes enterprise resource planning, geographic information systems, electronic commerce systems and mobile applications. Integration has been achieved with approximately 15 public institutions and is used by 28 regional directorates, 250 business directorates, 2400 business chief offices and more than 20,000 internal users and more than 100,000 external users throughout Turkey.
Access Control Systems
We developed the HEY (Air Emission Management) Portal to determine air pollution levels in different regions in Turkey. Thanks to this project, an air pollution map will be created and necessary precautions will be taken. The project includes decision support systems, business intelligence and portal applications.
The project, developed by the General Directorate of Law of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, was prepared to facilitate carrying out business and transactions in integration with UYAP, BelgeNet and other corporate applications. The project was created entirely with open source code. Web-based applications have also been made accessible via mobile devices.
In the project where all properties belonging to public institutions in our country are managed through geographical information systems and corporate applications and in which we are involved as a development partner, activities such as conversion of database and reporting tools to open source code architecture, data transfer and development of additional models were carried out.
With a project carried out by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, a mobile application-supported information system project has been developed to track and inform the transactions of people going for Hajj and Umrah. The project includes the information system regarding accommodation, nutrition, health services and other transactions of 600,000 people in the Holy Land every year. This project includes Android and IOS mobile applications and a Java-based web-based information system application.
Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (TBMM) – EDYS, Data Digitization
Pipe Transportation Inc. (BOTAŞ) – ERP, EDYS, Data Digitalization
Istanbul Public Bread Factory Inc. – Business Process Management, EDYS
Ministry of Trade and Industry (Qatar) – Price and Stock Monitoring System (Nasmo)
EGO General Directorate – ERP, Geographic Information Systems, EDYS, Data Digitalization
General Directorate of Iller Bank – ERP, Geographic Information Systems, EDYS, Data Digitalization
General Directorate of Highways – Geographic Information Systems, Business Process Management, EDYS
Three-dimensional models of the national weapons produced by MKE, which is affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Turkey, have been created. These models were exhibited in a virtual reality environment and detailed digital copies of the working principles of the weapons were made. In addition, national infantry rifles have been made available for use on a mobile platform so that users can experience them in a virtual conflict environment. The developed application is an interactive game in which users can perform various tasks with the national infantry rifle. In this way, it has features that can be used in the training of security units. This project is a rare and strategically important project in the defense industry worldwide.
General Directorate of Civil Aviation – ERP, Data Digitalization
General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity – EDMYS, Data Digitization
General Directorate of Press and Information – ERP, EDYS, Data Digitalization, WEB Portal
General Directorate of State Supply Office – Access Control Systems, Business Process Management
General Directorate of Tea Enterprises – Production Management, Access Control Systems
Turkish Radio and Television Corporation – Business Process Management, Access Control Systems
Financial Crimes Investigation Board – EDYS, Data Digitization
Kırıkkale Municipality – EDYS, Business Process Management
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality - Management Information System, Geographic Information Systems, Web Portal